TUBBS,SHANE HARCOURT BRACE Ref. 9780128026533 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Nerves and Nerve Injuries is a must-have for clinicians and researchers dealing with the Peripheral Nervous System and neuropathy. An indispensable work for anyone studying the nerves or treating patients with nerve injuries, these books will become the ‘go to’ resource in the field. The nerves are ...
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-0-12-802653-3
    • Fecha de edición : 15/04/2021
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autores : TUBBS,SHANE
    • Nº de páginas : 0
    Nerves and Nerve Injuries is a must-have for clinicians and researchers dealing with the Peripheral Nervous System and neuropathy. An indispensable work for anyone studying the nerves or treating patients with nerve injuries, these books will become the ‘go to’ resource in the field. The nerves are treated in a systematic manner, discussing details such as their anatomy (both macro- and microscopic), physiology, examination (physical and imaging), pathology, and clinical and surgical interventions. The authors contributing their expertise are international experts on the subject. The books cover topics from detailed nerve anatomy and embryology to cutting-edge knowledge related to treatment, disease and mathematical modeling of the nerves.
    Nerves and Nerve Injuries Volume 2 focuses on pain, treatment, injury, disease and future directions in the field. This volume also addresses new information regarding neural interfaces, stem cells, medical and surgical treatments, and medical legal issues following nerve injury

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