VUILLARD,ERIC PAN BOOKS Ref. 9781529038538 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    The history of inequality is a long and terrible one. And it’s not over yet. Short, sharp and devastating, The War of the Poor tells the story of a brutal episode from history, not as well known as tales of other popular uprisings, but one that deserves to be told.Sixteenth-century Europe: the Prote...
    Peso: 250 gr
    18,50 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-5290-3853-8
    • Fecha de edición : 14/01/2021
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autores : VUILLARD,ERIC
    • Nº de páginas : 0
    The history of inequality is a long and terrible one. And it’s not over yet. Short, sharp and devastating, The War of the Poor tells the story of a brutal episode from history, not as well known as tales of other popular uprisings, but one that deserves to be told.

    Sixteenth-century Europe: the Protestant Reformation takes on the powerful and the privileged. Peasants, the poor living in towns, who are still being promised that equality will be granted to them in heaven, begin to ask themselves: and why not equality now, here on earth?

    There follows a violent struggle. Out of this chaos steps Thomas Müntzer: a complex and controversial figure, who sided with neither Martin Luther, nor the Roman Catholic Church. Müntzer addressed the poor directly, encouraging them to ask why a God who apparently loved the poor seemed to be on the side of the rich.

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