KNAUSGAARD,KARL OVE PENGUIN BOOKS Ref. 9780399563386 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    So begins Spring, the recommencement of Knausgaard’s fantastic and spellbinding literary project of assembling a personal encyclopedia of the world addressed directly to his newly born daughter. But here Knausgaard must also tell his daughter the story of what happened during the time when her mothe...
    Peso: 250 gr
    15,75 €
  • Descripción

    • Nº de páginas : 0
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Fecha de edición : 01/11/2019
    • ISBN : 978-0-399-56338-6
    So begins Spring, the recommencement of Knausgaard’s fantastic and spellbinding literary project of assembling a personal encyclopedia of the world addressed directly to his newly born daughter. But here Knausgaard must also tell his daughter the story of what happened during the time when her mother was pregnant, and explain why he now has to attend appointments with child services. In order to keep his daughter safe, he must tell a terrible story, one which unfolds with acute psychological suspense over the course of a single day.
    Utterly gripping and brilliantly rendered in Knausgaard’s famously sensitive, pensive, and honest style, Spring is the account of a shocking and heartbreaking familial trauma and the emotional epicenter of this singular literary series.

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