WATSON,CHRISTIE PENGUIN BOOKS Ref. 9781784741983 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Christie Watson was a nurse for twenty years. Taking us from birth to death and from A and E to the mortuary, The Language of Kindness is an astonishing account of a profession defined by acts of care, compassion and kindness.We watch Christie with a new mother holding her premature son who has mira...
    Peso: 250 gr
    15,50 €
  • Descripción

    • Nº de páginas : 0
    • Autores : WATSON,CHRISTIE
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Fecha de edición : 01/05/2018
    • ISBN : 978-1-78474-198-3
    Christie Watson was a nurse for twenty years. Taking us from birth to death and from A and E to the mortuary, The Language of Kindness is an astonishing account of a profession defined by acts of care, compassion and kindness.
    We watch Christie with a new mother holding her premature son who has miraculously made it through the night, we stand by her side as she spends many hours watching agonising heart and lung surgery, and we hold our breath as she washes the hair of a child fatally injured in a fire, attempting to remove the toxic smell of smoke before the grieving family arrive.
    In our most extreme moments, when life is lived most intensely, Christie is there by your side. She is a guide, mentor and friend. And in these dark days of division and isolationism, she encourages you to stretch out your hand.

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